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Vedantic Teachings with Ammaji

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Swamini Pramananda (affectionately known as Ammaji) is a spiritual scholar and one of the most renowned and highly respected Sanskrit and Vedanta teachers in India.

to find Ammaji's profile and more details of our gurus.

For many years, Ammaji has been committed to making the everlasting wisdom of Vedanta (the knowledge of the Self and of Oneness) accessible to yoga practitioners and spiritually interested people also in the "western world" in an incomparably lively way. With her guidance you can discover what the ancient scriptures have to offer us in our quest for answers to the urgent questions of human existence.

Explore the essential questions of Vedanta

  • What do yoga, karma, and dharma really mean?
  • What is my true nature?
  • How can I find inner peace and equanimity?
  • Why is the world the way it is?
  • How can I find new answers to the world around me?
  • What is my role in this world?
  • How do I find the strength and confidence to act in harmony with this world?

The oldest, still-living spiritual tradition is the ancient Indian teaching of self-knowledge: Vedanta. Also, people outside of India have always been fascinated by the approaches of these important philosophical writings. In Europe in particular, there is and has always been a great deal of interest in this - especially in times when many people are moved by the above questions.

Ammaji therefore expands her offer, both online and offline, for interested people in Europe and UK in order to bring clarity to these fundamentals of the yoga philosophy.

to explore the online program catalog and download more information of Purna Vidya offerings from download section.


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Ammaji's words express such brilliant clarity that they carry me into deeper insights with each listen. Her Vedanta teachings are not only pain reliever for the mind, but also for the heart. This is how hearing becomes an understanding and from that seeing and living with different eyes!.

- Nina Tiltmann

My journey with Ammaji started 5 years ago. She is a wonderful teacher who explains the Vedantic wisdom in a way everyone can understand. Through her teachings the way I relate to myself and the world has changed dramatically.

- Gela Fee Fischer

Ammaji is a deep inspiration to my mind, soul and heart. She brings Vedic knowledge to me in such an understandable way. Yoga is a path of peace; Ammaji inspires and invigorates with energy and enthusiasm, deep knowledge and the deep desire to give all living beings the opportunity to share this knowledge in order to find this deep peace within us.

-Judit Janani P.

Probably the most precious gift Ammaji has given me throughout my spiritual journey with her during the past 6 years is trust. Trust that I am guided in each and every moment, trust that there is something greater and more powerful in life that I can rely on, trust that life has a masterplan, a blueprint for me – simply trust in the omniscient and eternal divine being. I am convinced that Ammaji´s highly enlightening and deeply touching teachings will stay with me through and through and keep inspiring me.

- Viktoria Lehmann

Meeting Ammaji & studying with her changed my life in a profound and meaningful way. It was the beginning of a process of personal transformation and inner re-alignment. As well as a transformation as a yoga teacher, as I started weaving in the deeper meaning of yogic wisdom. In studying Vedanta with Ammaji, I discovered the yoga of freedom (moksha/ kaivalya) revealed in the Vedic teachings. This changed my mind set and my life deeply, in a fundamentally positive way. This was, in fact, what my soul had yearned for.

- Helga Baumgartner

After five years, now in the second round of online Gita study with Ammaji, I still look forward to the weekly gathering and growth of our group. I find it particularly helpful to talk about everyday problems and attitudes towards life against the background of the wisdom of the Gita. These talks give me stability and confidence in turbulent times. The monthly Gita Satsangs with Ammaji are also a great enrichment here.

- Tina Toeller

I am forever grateful that the universe connected me to Ammaji: it was a coming home experience. Going on a journey to explore the great wisdom of oneness and self-knowledge with Ammaji's profound and loving guidance fundamentally changed my view of the world and how life is meant to be. Learning the sacred language of Sanskrit from scratch with Ammaji is another inspiring adventure for me. Ammaji is a great scholar in every way - totally dedicated, loving and approachable. It is a meaningful and life changing journey towards freedom and happiness!

- Isabel Mindner